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SWFO Data Products and Science

Logo of the Space Weather Follow On office, that has it spelled out.

The Space Weather Follow On (SWFO) program is part of NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)  under the Office of Space Weather Observations (SWO). SWFO uses advanced instruments to observe solar activity and analyze the space environment near Earth. 

One of these instruments is onboard NOAA’s newest Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-19, managed by the GOES-R Program office and launched on June 25, 2024. Four additional instruments will be placed on the Space Weather Follow On - Lagrange 1 (SWFO-L1) observatory, which, when launched in 2025, will be located at the Lagrange 1 point upstream of the Earth.

Raw data are sent from NOAA satellites to the SWFO Ground Segment which includes processing units at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) and National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

The following documentation is intended for users of the data and the broader public.

Reference Documents

Observational goals are specified in high-level requirement documents.


The program has developed a number of plans for specific functions. Calibration/Validation is a key function for product development.

Instrument Specification Documents

The following documents present the four SWFO instruments. Understanding instrument operation is crucial for properly interpreting the data.

Algorithm Documentation

Ground Processing Algorithms (GPA) are created by the instrument vendors for processing the raw data to products ranging from Level 0a to Level 3. At Level 3, the algorithms are described by Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs).

Data and Products

Representative images and data produced by the Program will be included here. Real-time data will be available at SWPC in its coronagraph page (currently displaying SOHO/LASCO images) and real-time solar wind page (currently based on ACE and DSCOVR). Preliminary, non-operational data from CCOR-1 are presently available.

All SWFO data will be archived by the National Centers for Environmental Information so they can be made available to scientists and other retrospective users.

Product Validation Reviews

CCOR-1 Beta-Maturity PS-PVR (January 30, 2025)

CCOR-1 Provisional-Maturity PS-PVR (February 24, 2025)

After the review, the following file was made available:

Presentations and Publications in Science Meetings

User Readiness

Presentations on user readiness for SWFO data from the affiliate side meeting “User Readiness for Space Weather Data from NOAA Program of Record-2025 Missions” during the American Meteorological Society annual meeting, January 2025. (

Presentations on user readiness for SWFO data from the special session on “User Readiness for Space Weather Data from NOAA Program of Record-2025 Missions" during the Space Weather Workshop of April 2024.

More presentations from that session can be found in the workshop agenda (PDF).