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Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO)

OSPO is the primary intermediary between civil sector users of data and operational environmental satellites, and is also responsible for transmitting data to remote receiving stations.

Image of a satellite circling the earth.

The Office of Satellite Products and Operations (OSPO) collects, processes, and distributes environmental satellite data and products about Earth's weather, atmosphere, oceans, and land, plus the conditions in space, to data users, 24/7. OSPO consists of four divisions: Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Station (FCDAS), Satellite Products and Services Division (SPSD), Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station (WCDAS), and Mission Operations Division (MOD).

It supports the launch, activation, and evaluation of new satellites and the in-depth assessment of satellite and ground systems anomalies. It prepares plans and procedures for responding to satellite and ground anomalies and establishes and coordinates the schedules for satellite operation and data acquisition to meet users' needs. The office also evaluates the technical performance of the satellites and maintains current information and future predictions on satellite orbits and attitudes. It evaluates the effectiveness of the operational facilities and procedures in terms of the quality, quantity, coverage, and timeliness of the data acquired.

Featured Products

Image of the entire earth with sea surface temperature colors along the ocean.
This global 5km Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomaly product, displays the difference between today's SST and the long-term average. The scale goes from -5 to +5 °C.
Explore SST Sea Surface Temperature
Image of a volcano erupting
Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAA) and associated Volcanic Ash Graphics (VAG) - VAA are issued every 6 hours or sooner for ash active volcanoes with VAG when ash is detected.
Explore VAA Volcanic Ash
image of a cyclone from above the earth
The Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product provides an estimate of the probability of tropical cyclone formation within the next 24 to 48 hours.
Explore TPP Tropical Cyclones
Image of the earth from space.
This shows the detected hot spots and smoke plumes indicating possible fire locations. This is a blended product using algorithms for the GOES Imager, the POES AVHRR and MODIS.
Explore HMS Hazard Mapping System


Satellite Statuses 


Richard Marlow
View Profile Richard Marlow
Scott Leonard
Deputy Director
View Profile Scott Leonard