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Earth from Orbit
Imagine looking at bodies of water from space and being able to see the tiny and often microscopic plants and algae living in them, as well as mineral particles and dissolved organic matter.
Feature Story
NOAA's GeoXO series of geostationary satellites, currently in development, will include several new state-of-the-art instruments onboard. One will be the Atmospheric Composition instrument, or ACX.
NASA, on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has selected BAE Systems (formerly known as Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation) of Boulder, Colorado, to develop an instrument to analyze ocean data as part of…
Satellite Snapshots
NOAA’s GOES East captured Texas storms from above in this visible imagery, which also shows frequent lighting observed with the satellite’s Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instrument.
Satellite Snapshots
NOAA’s JPSS Program satellites captured imagery of the stunning auroras that were visible in locations across the globe on May 11, 2024.
Feature Story
On May 6, 2024, NOAA and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) hosted a joint workshop on the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to transform weather prediction.
NOAA issued a BAA to explore using advanced tech for better access to environmental data, promoting equity, and boosting weather/climate resilience.
Satellite Snapshots
NOAA’s GOES East (GOES-16) satellite watched severe thunderstorms push across the Midwest that spawned several damaging tornadoes.