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Displaying 9 - 16 of 82
Event Date
In-Person & Online
Jun 12 - Jun 13, 2024
This event will provide the space weather community with essential insight on how the SWO Programs will meet NOAA operational space weather obligations.
Online (Hosted)
May 16, 2024
Wesley J. Moses of the Naval Research Laboratory will provide a brief introduction of Arctic-specific ocean color products for the changing Arctic Ocean.
In-Person (Speaker)
May 15, 2024
Meet the Users is a NESDIS User Engagement Speaker Series that invites end users in society to share their thematic uses of NOAA data, products and services.
Online (Speaker)
Apr 15, 2024
NOAA's National Weather Service has a mission to provide weather, water and climate data, forecasts, warnings....
Online (Hosted)
Apr 8, 2024
On Monday, April 8, 2024 the Sun, Moon, and Earth will align perfectly together to produce a total solar eclipse.
In-Person (Hosted)
Apr 8, 2024
On Monday, April 8, 2024 the Sun, Moon, and Earth will align perfectly together to produce a total solar eclipse.
In-Person (Hosted)
Apr 6 - Apr 13, 2024
In our ever-expanding society, space has become more than rocket launches and trips to the Moon.
Online (Speaker)
Apr 5, 2024
Dr. Elsayed Talaat is the Director of the Office of Space Weather Observations at NOAA NESDIS. The term “space weather” generally refers to conditions