The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) spacecraft status page provides up-to-date status information on GOES-13 and its various subsystems.
Below are the color designations for each satellite status:
Status Color | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red | Blue | Blank |
Meaning | Operational (or capable of) | Operational with limitations (or Standby) |
Operational with Degraded Performance | Not Operational | Functional, Turned Off |
No Status Reported |
GOES 13 Spacecraft Status Summary
Spacecraft Letter: N
Launch Date: 05/24/2006
Spacecraft Location:
Operational Date: 04/14/2010
ACS Mode: Normal Upright
Operational Status: Inactive
Subsystem Status
Subsystem | Description | Status |
ACS | Attitude Control System | Green |
COMM | Communication Subsystem | Green |
IMAGER | Imager | Green |
INR | Image Navigation and Registration | Green |
POWER | Electrical Power Subsystem | Green |
PROP | Propulsion | Green |
SEM | Space Environment Monitor | Yellow |
SOUNDER | Sounder | Red |
SXI | Solar X-Ray Imager | Yellow |
TANDC | Telemetry & Command | Green |
THERMAL | Thermal Control Subsystem | Green |