The NOAA Office of Atmospheric and Oceanic Research’s Climate Program Office (CPO) is organizing a workshop to gather Atmospheric Composition input for future operational NOAA Low-Earth-orbiting (LEO) missions. NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) is exploring moving towards a disaggregated and distributed LEO architecture with the goal of launching sensors and missions in a more agile way in the future. A critical part of the distributed LEO formulation is to determine how the data from current sensors are used, their impacts, and opportunities for improvements in the next generation sensors for architecture studies and planning.
As NOAA formulates future operational UV-Vis-NIR satellite missions in LEO, it will consider input from the Atmospheric Composition community through a virtual workshop from 12:00 pm-3:30 pm ET on June 14-15, 2022. Atmospheric composition applications such as air quality monitoring and forecasting, ozone monitoring, health impacts, greenhouse gas monitoring, and others will be discussed.