Derek J. Posselt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
The trade space of measurements for a future planetary boundary layer (PBL) mission is large and rapidly expanding. To design a mission that addresses broad science and applications objectives, and remains cost-effective, we have designed an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) system tailored for the PBL that has the following key features:
- Interfaces to a collection of global km-scale and regional sub-km scale nature runs that represent a large range of weather states and PBL structures.
- A collection of passive and active instrument simulators capable of exploring trades among the diverse set of PBL measurements.
- Orbit simulators that can represent constellations of satellites at varying altitudes and with diverse observing strategies.
- Data fusion techniques that account for measurement uncertainty and optimally combine information from observations with very different spatial and temporal resolutions.
- A computational framework that parallelizes radiative transfer and retrievals efficiently over diverse compute environments from individual multi-core workstations to distributed high performance computing architectures to the cloud.
Our PBL OSSE system results in 1) near-term actionable instrument-level trades for a PBL formulation effort, and 2) a longer-term and comprehensive assessment of measurement combinations and constellation configurations to inform PBL mission design. This presentation will demonstrate the use of our OSSE system to quantify measurement information for the current program of record, the expected measurements available during the 2030s, and several hypothetical constellations tailored toward PBL observations.
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