Advisory Committee on Excellence in Space (ACES)

The Secretary of Commerce has determined that the purposes for which the Advisory Committee on Excellence in Space was established have been fulfilled, and the committee has been terminated effective February 28, 2025.

The Advisory Committee on Excellence in Space (ACES) is a Federal advisory committee that provides advice and recommendations to the NOAA Under Secretary or the Director of the Office of Space Commerce (OSC) on matters relating to OSC’s statutory purview, including:

  • Status and recent developments of nongovernmental space activities;
  • The manner in which the United States may facilitate and promote a robust and innovative commercial sector that is investing in, developing, and operating space objects;
  • Challenges faced by the United States commercial sector relating to:
    • International obligations of the United States relevant to commercial space sector activities in outer space;
    • Harmful interference with commercial space sector activities in outer space;
    • Cybersecurity requirements, recommendations, or needs that affect the commercial space sector;
  • Existing best practices for United States entities to avoid:
    • The harmful contamination of the Moon and other celestial bodies;
    • Adverse changes in the environment of the Earth resulting from the introduction of extraterrestrial matter; and
    • Detrimental effects to the space environment resulting from new or existing space debris;
  • Space sustainability;
  • Other commercial space sector activities, as the Under Secretary or OSC Director considers appropriate.

ACES functions solely in an advisory capacity and in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). ACES does not exercise program management or regulatory development responsibilities nor make any decisions directly affecting the programs on which it provides advice.


Previous and upcoming meetings are available for public viewing:

View meetings and materials


NOAA announced the initial 17 members of ACES on September 6, 2024.

View members

Ms. Caryn Schenewerk serves as the chair of ACES.

Mr. David Gauthier serves as the vice chair.


The committee has established three subcommittees focused on the following topics:

Designated Federal Officer

The Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for ACES is Mr. Jason Y. Kim, Chief of Staff, Office of Space Commerce.

Assistant DFO is Mr. Cody Knipfer.



The current charter for ACES was signed March 4, 2024, with a validity of two years.

View charter (PDF)


ACES was established in 2002 as the Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing (ACCRES), which advised the NOAA Under Secretary on remote sensing issues for over two decades. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo approved the rescoping of ACCRES as ACES in 2024.